
Archive for 07/11/2019

ABC Alpha Ribbon shredder

07/11/2019 Leave a comment

My sister gave this ABC Alpha Ribbon shredder to me some time back as a present. To be honest, I have not used it till now because I am shredding some old documents. It works ok, like a shredder would but there are some issues. The first thing is that it is rather easy for this shredder to get clogged with the paper. I have had to, on some occasions, use a test-pen to clear out the stuck paper. The paper was wedged pretty tightly in the unit, making access very difficult. The second thing is related to the first issue. That issue is that there does not seem to be an opening big enough to clear that paper unless you use the small screwdriver. But then again, it is an inexpensive shredder and it just does the job, with those rather small issues. It helped me a lot, to be honest so I can safely say that it was a good and useful gift.