
Archive for June, 2009

Michael Jackson is dead

26/06/2009 Leave a comment

I do not know about the rest of you but this is the Michael Jackson as how I remember him. It came as a real shock to me this morning when I found out about his death. I mean, we all grew up listening to him, dancing to his songs and just idolising him. I remember blasting his song Beat It on the stereo in my home back in 1983. I remember watching the video of the song at a friend’s place over and over again. I remember calmly munching a toothpic as I had seen one of the “bad” guys do in his video of Beat It. I remember a group of friends and myself doing a dance to Thriller back in 1987. I remember mixing his songs in my days as a DJ. So many memories, so many things about the King Of Pop.

Rest in peace Michael. We will always remember you.