
Archive for 17/11/2019

1,684 people injured in mass shootings in 2019

17/11/2019 Leave a comment

Two teenagers were killed in a mass shooting at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, Calif. on Thursday, according to this article here. That is really sick. I do not know what makes people like these go to schools with automatic weapons and shoot people…especially kids. This is really getting out of hand. I happened to search the Internet for news of this and came upon this other article. According to the article:

The statistics from the Gun Violence Archive reported above are no longer accurate. As of November 15, 2019, which was the 319th day of the year there have been 336 mass shootings. Currently the official statistics for 2019 are there have been 1347 killed this year in mass shooting and 1,684 people injured. 

Some famous guy said once that guns do not kill people….people kill people. There is truth in that but it is only a half-truth. You put an automatic rifle in a killer’s hands (like this madman in the article) and he goes on a shooting spree. And who dies from it? Innocent children!

That is why, and I do say it with feeling, I am very glad that I live in Singapore where it is illegal to own a firearm. Long may this rule live!