
Archive for 26/11/2019

Radial ProD2 DI box in use during a wedding anniversary

26/11/2019 Leave a comment

A few days back, I was the DJ at a wedding anniversary. I used my ever-reliable Radial ProD2 hooked up to my DDJ-SB3 controller and I can safely say that the sound was simply incredible. This was also the first time I was using my custom RCA to 1/4″ TS jacks and they performed well too. Everyone was complimenting me on the sound but I cannot give full marks to the Radial DI-box. Part of it came from the equalization of the sound-system in the venue, before the vent. I was using the RTA on my phone to make sure that it all sounded OK, making adjustments when necessary. I had a great event and it was a success.

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