
Archive for 20/05/2021

2484 3M single-coated medical film tape for fragile skin

20/05/2021 Leave a comment


My mother fell down and broke her ankle in three places recently. It happened when she blacked out and sat down on her ankle. She was immediately brought to hospital and she had her whole leg from the ankle up wrapped in a cast. Finally after she was allowed to come home, she had a cast on for some time. Each time she had a bath, her cast had to be wrapped up to prevent it getting wet. She used some surgical tape to fasten the plastic wrap. Unfortunately, constant wrapping and removal of the surgical tape left her skin feeling raw. I was perplexed what to do but there was nothing I could do about it. Then I came across this article here about this 2484 3M single-coated medical film tape for fragile skin. I wish that they had this when I was wrapping my mother’s cast in the plastic bag. My mother has had her cast removed, thank goodness. But I will advise all that have their legs or even arms in casts and need it to be waterproofed….try and get this tape. It looks fairly new but I think it should be out soon.

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