Home > etcetera > Lenovo T-14 not starting up and how I solved it

Lenovo T-14 not starting up and how I solved it


As I said in a previous post, I was given this Lenovo T-14 by my company and I absolutely love it. It is a bit heavy but it is built like a tank. However, a couple of days back, I had a bit of an issue with it. The damn thing would not start up. Now previously, notebook computers used to come with removable batteries. It was easy then…just remove the battery, press the start button for a minute and release it. Then install the battery again and all would be well. However, notebooks nowadays have the batteries built-in. So short of taking a screwdriver to my laptop and removing the internal battery, there is a shorter way. What I did was to locate a small reset hole at the rear of the notebook. I pushed in a paper clip and I heard the tiny click of  switch. That reset it and I was able to start the notebook! So next time, if this happens, use this method.

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