Home > etcetera > Neocities free website with zero ads

Neocities free website with zero ads


In 1996, when I first got on the Internet, we heard about this great, free webhosting site on the Internet named Geocities that we could use to build our own websites, They did not give us much space…only about 2Mb to upload our HTML files. Images were hot-linked from other sites then. many of us had to get really proficient in HTML to learn how to code. Many of us had blogs then…before blogging even became popular. I know I had a site there and when Geocities was acquired by Yahoo and dried up in 2009, I lost my website. It really was a shame.

In 2019, I heard about this site named Neocities that provided free website hosting with NO ads whatsoever. Now that is pretty cool and I do not know how long they will be around with their free service. But I am very happy with the site and I am contemplating becoming a “supporter” for $5 a month…which is pretty affordable.

Remember my old site on Geocities? Well, it has been shifted to Neocities. I am really thankful to them for what they are offering. So go to their site if you want to have a website that you want to be hosted for free. In their free plan, they offer 200Gb of bandwidth and 1Gb of space. Now I find that to be more than sufficient if you want a small website. Check them out today!

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