
Posts Tagged ‘electrical countdown timer’

Issue with my Vivo Y17s mobile phone

17/12/2023 Leave a comment


I have been using the Vivo Y17s phone for a couple of months now and it is great phone to use. What I love about it is that the battery lasts a long time. But then again, all phones do that when the battery is new and when the phone gets older, the battery doesn’t last as long as when it was new. The biggest issue I have with the phone is that it takes a damn long time to charge to 100%. Even with the supplied charger and cable, it takes a good six hours to charge to full charge. I always use countdown timers on my phone chargers so I do not overcharge them. But for this Vivo mobile phone, no timer is required!

That being said, I read online somewhere that the best tine to charge the mobile phone is when its battery registers about 20% of power. The article I read said to charge it up to 80% then. That is what I have been doing, and not by choice either. But other than this anomaly, I like this phone. It is a good one.

Electrical countdown timer

31/07/2023 Leave a comment


I bought this timer a couple of days back. I love this timer because it can allow you to set a countdown time. You can set for 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours…all the way to 10 hours. This will be useful for me for ad-hoc charges so that you do not overcharge your stuff like your phone, leading to bloated battery syndrome in the long run. I bought this for about $9. Tried it and it works great!