
Posts Tagged ‘home-theatre’

Yamaha SR-300 receiver with built-in subwoofer

21/03/2013 6 comments

This Yamaha receiver with a built-in subwoofer is an odd-looking beast to say the least. I saw it a couple of days back while I was at a client’s house. Very interesting and I must say that this is the first time in my life that I have seen anything like this. But given the fact that I like Yamaha, I did some research and this is what I came up with.

Apparently, this thing is pretty heavy. It weighs about 19lbs which makes it almost 10 kilograms in our Metric part of the world. It is has 3 x 1080p equipped HDMI inputs and a very unique 3 speaker outputs at the back. This receiver is part of the YHT-S400 home theatre package that includes a soundbar that has the left, right and centre passive speakers embedded in it, as seen below:

The outputs are not that powerful. Each speaker output is 50 watts per channel into 6 ohms and check this out. The subwoofer that is embedded in the receiver has a 5″ cone driver and is capable of 100 watts per channel into 3 ohms! And in case any of you are wondering what the receiver looks like from the rear,  check out the picture below:

It looks pretty basic and from what I can see, it looks like it just part of a home theatre package of this receiver and that three-in-one soundbar. I did not see the soundbar at the client’s place but I did see that this receiver was hooked up to some rather dodgy home speakers, which looked like the Marantz karaoke speakers I covered a while ago. An interesting concept but not for me.

Logitech speakers

22/05/2012 1 comment

I was walking by a pub the other day and I was very surprised to see these speakers powering the whole pub! Pretty impressive for what I can see are clearly home theatre speakers! But then again, for the pub that small, these could handle the goods. I have gained a new respect for these speakers. They were loud and by golly, could they rock!

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