
Posts Tagged ‘magnetic’

Ingco 6-piece magnetic nut driver set

08/07/2021 Leave a comment


I bought this set of 6 magnetic nut set at a hardware store a week ago. It was pretty affordable too. Ingco makes some great tools at a pretty affordable price. This will be a great addition to my tool arsenal that I can use with my Bosch cordless drill. This will be very useful for bolts for partition walls.

Behringer OT-2 transformers

01/06/2020 Leave a comment

A few months back, I was ragging on the POS Behringer DI box that had failed miserably at a gig. That Behringer DI400P sounded muddy and the ground-lift switch just was not working and I had to replace it with my SM Pro DJDI. In any case, I did some digging to find out what others were saying about it. Some have said that if you send a hot voltage (like a bass guitar with a very hot output) into it, the DI box output loses the lows. So I started looking to see what kind of transformer they had in it and that is when I found out that they use the Behringer OT-2 transformer. Very little is know about these audio transformers of theirs. But from what I read, the original OT-1 series did not have magnetic shielding. That is bad news, especially if you have one of those on top of a bass player’s rig. Apparently, Behringer learnt from this and are now shipping these DI400P DI boxes with these new, shielded OT-2 transformers. I have not opened a DI400P DI box to check if they really have these new transformers inside. What I can vouch for is that the DI box that we used at that event was pretty beat up. Another thing that Behringer need to look at is the ground lift switch on these DI400P DI boxes. Those plastic switches are seriously horrible. I would buy spares and replace them every 6 months or so, especially if they are heavily used. I have a client that recently bought some Behringer DI boxes. I guess I will check out if Behringer really shipped those with these OT-2 magnetically shielded transformers or not.

Magnetic stainless steel dish

11/08/2018 Leave a comment

I take things apart quite a lot sometimes. Things like my laptop (to change hard drives or to service it for example) and various electronic gadgets. Most of these are screwed together with tiny screws. Normally I would put these screws on a piece of tissue or something. There was one time when a gust of wind blew the tissue and all the tiny screws went flying. It was not a good day to be honest, as I had to spend the greater part of the morning looking for those tiny screws that were all over the room. I do not know where to get these magnetic bowls locally but I know you can find them online. This would help…a lot.

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Magnetic door-stop

14/12/2013 Leave a comment

We have two cats. Whenever they sit near the doors of my house, I am always worried because the door might slam shut with them sitting near the doorway. That is why when I came upon this magnetic door-stop, I decided that this would be the best thing to use for the doors in my house, especially the ones that slams shut all the time. My house is pretty windy, I admit so that is probably the reason why I feel so worries about a cat being trapped between a closed door. Now, all I have to do is find some time and screw it in. The measurement needs to be precise or else…it may not work.

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