
Posts Tagged ‘Moderna’

Received the second Moderna booster jab

04/01/2023 Leave a comment


I had the second Moderna booster jab yesterday. I was ok yesterday but today, I had a slight fever and my hands are cold and clammy. I also do not have much of an appetite. But I require this jab before my overseas trip next week, to combat any Covid-19 infections I may get, ever since China opened the gates to travel. I think I should feel better tomorrow. If anyone of you have not gotten your booster jabs, I would recommend you get it. We need all the protection we can get.

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Moderna suing Pfizer and BioNTech

28/08/2022 Leave a comment


I read the news yesterday that Moderna is suing Pfizer and BioNTech for patent infringement. Apparently, Moderna said that the mRNA technology it developed before the pandemic was copied by Pfizer and BioNTech. This is going to be very interesting news for these two giants who are creators of anti-Covid vaccines. Let us see how it turns out. You can read about it here.

Moderna to set up subsidiary in Singapore

17/02/2022 Leave a comment


It was reported in the news yesterday that Moderna announced plans to establish a new subsidiary in Singapore, along with three additional ones in Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong. I had all three shots of Moderna and even thought the second shot and the third booster jab made me as sick as a dog, it is comforting to know that there is at least something in my body which will prevent this terrible Covid-19 coronavirus from wrecking havoc in my body.

I am waiting for the day when we do not have to live in fear of this terrible coronavirus. It has done so much harm around the world.

Categories: etcetera Tags: , , ,

Took the Moderna booster jab yesterday and now, the previous symptoms have returned

28/11/2021 Leave a comment


I took the Moderna booster jab yesterday. I was told that it was half the dose of the previous two jabs I took. Remember in a previous post I said that I developed a fever and felt really groggy after the next day after that jab? Well, I can say that the same old symptoms have returned. I woke up this morning with my body aching all over. That is my body telling me that something is not good. And I was right. I had a fever this morning and I took two Panadol tablets to bring it down. In spite of all this, I know that this jab is necessary to help to deter Covid-19. I guess I will just have to put up with it the best way I know how – lots of rest and Panadol every 4 hours.

Pakistan province to block phones of the unvaccinated

14/06/2021 Leave a comment


I read about this in the online news yesterday and I thought that it was a great idea to do. Just block the phones and see how they fare. Apparently, according to the article, it says that it comes after Sindh province said civil servants who refuse to be vaccinated will not be paid from July. That is the best way to get them vaccinated. I do not know what is the issue they have against getting vaccinated. I had two doses. While my second dose of Moderna gave me a fever the next day, I think that it is something worth putting up with in this fight against Covid-19. To those who refuse to go for the vaccination, think of the world now ravaged with Covid-19. That vaccination will help in some small way to make sure that you have some protection against Covid-19.

Fever and body aches after the second Moderna jab

24/05/2021 Leave a comment


I felt like hell today after my second Moderna vaccine jab yesterday. At 1200hrs I started feeling lethargic, had cold chills and feeling woozy. It was then that I decided to head home for rest. Apparently, this is nothing new. The Singapore health website and the little pamphlet that was given to me after my vaccine jab did state that symptoms like this will occur. Apparently, these side effects are normal signs that your body is building protection and should go away. So in any case, I am having a good rest and have been taking Panadol tablets. So for those of you who have not taken your second shot, do not feel worried if a fever breaks out. It is normal

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Second Moderna vaccine jab today

23/05/2021 Leave a comment


I had my second dose of the Moderna vaccine today. My arm feels slightly numb after the vaccine and I am sure that it will hurt like hell tomorrow. However, this is for the fight against the dreaded Covid-19 pandemic so I think it is worth it.

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Vaccinated against Covid-19 with Moderna

28/04/2021 Leave a comment


I received my vaccination against Covid-19 on Sunday the 25th. I was vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine. It was fast, painless (well, almost) and I have had no side effects so far. It is just that my arm has a tiny dull, throbbing pain after the injection. But then again, it is the same for all injections. I really must thank the Ministry of Health for this vaccine. We all want Covid-19 to end so we can return to some normalcy of daily life, whatever is left of it. My second injection is coming next month.