Home > etcetera > Tuna and bread for lunch

Tuna and bread for lunch

When I was at a client’s place last week, it was very inconvenient for me to get lunch. The restaurants in the premises were closed as most were working from home due to Covid-19. Getting food meant taking a long walk to a hawker centre some distance away. So I decided to pack my own food and eat that packed food during lunchtime. And my lunch of choice? Ayam brand tomato chilli tuna and Gardenia bread. I bought these from an NTUC Fairprice outlet near my place. During lunchtime, I just cracked open the can and spooned the tuna on my bread and ate it. There was a vending machine nearby and I got myself a drink from that. So that was my lunch. It was not elaborate but it was filling and it was pretty tasty

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