
Archive for 06/05/2021

Sold my home which also served as an office

06/05/2021 Leave a comment


I finally sold my office cum home that my wife and I were living in since February 2011. I personally loved this home as it was quite near to town and it was very convenient for us to get things done. Plus, the surrounding area was so peaceful and dynamic that now that I do not live there anymore, I miss it very much. But I had reasons to sell this place. The primary reason is that my mother needs looking after as she is getting on in years. Also, our apartment was old. There were cracks developing here and there and we even had numerous issues like spalling concrete in our kitchen and in other places. I will miss getting up early and walking to an old-fashioned coffeeshop to have my breakfast. I will miss going to the plethora of hardware stores close by. I will miss going to my favourite watering holes that were close to my house. Good food and great shopping was always close by. I will miss it but then again, I have great memories of that place.

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