
Posts Tagged ‘David Goggins’

The story of David Goggins

27/06/2020 Leave a comment

There is a saying…you are your own worst enemy. Sometimes, you tell yourself: “Succeed or burst!” Other times you tell yourself: “You can do this”. Many people met varying levels of success by putting their minds to things. But not David Goggins. This guy is proof positive that the determined mind can be a very potent weapon. This the guy that was a fat, 137 kilogram guy but he went on to become a Navy SEAL and a US Ranger. Think about it. Do you have the resolve? I have, to a wee aspect but I do NOT have the resolve of this guy. That is why David Goggins gets my respect. he made up his mind. He became a very determined fellow who banished all fears. How can you NOT respect him? Everyone can learn from him. Even me.