
Posts Tagged ‘necklace’

Necklace ring glasses holder

15/04/2024 Leave a comment


I have been looking around for a necklass-like spectacle holder like the one my wife bought for me some years back from South Korea. The rubber ring on my current one is getting rather soft and I feel that it is only a matter of time before it breaks, taking my spectacles with them. For the life of me, I cannot find those for sale anywhere…not even on the Internet. So what I did was to get the next best thing…tis spectacle necklace with a steel ring. That steel ring has a catch that allows you to detach it from the nylon string necklace. I bought two of them and they cost me a grand total of $4 from Shopee. The are not too bad and they look pretty stylish. The second one I bought is a spare that I will keep at my mother’s place just in case.