
Posts Tagged ‘spectacles’

Necklace ring glasses holder

15/04/2024 Leave a comment


I have been looking around for a necklass-like spectacle holder like the one my wife bought for me some years back from South Korea. The rubber ring on my current one is getting rather soft and I feel that it is only a matter of time before it breaks, taking my spectacles with them. For the life of me, I cannot find those for sale anywhere…not even on the Internet. So what I did was to get the next best thing…tis spectacle necklace with a steel ring. That steel ring has a catch that allows you to detach it from the nylon string necklace. I bought two of them and they cost me a grand total of $4 from Shopee. The are not too bad and they look pretty stylish. The second one I bought is a spare that I will keep at my mother’s place just in case.

Nike 4294 spectacles

02/04/2024 Leave a comment


The quest for getting new spectacles is still ongoing. Just the other day I was introduced to these Nike 4294 spectacles. They look pretty good and they might be a good choice for me to replace my current set of spectacles. I think I will ask for them when I want to change my glasses.

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Nike 4084 200 Flexon Eyeglasses

15/12/2023 Leave a comment

nike 4084_200

While still on the subject of getting some new spectacles for myself, I came across this nice Nike Flexon 4084 200 on the Internet. These are low profile and they look pretty good. The only thing that is making me hesitate is that the frames are only half. Also, they do not look as sturdy as full framed spectacles. But nonetheless, they look pretty good. Decisions, decisions. I really have to make up my mind what to get when I upgrade my spectacles.

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Michael Kors Eyeglasses Frames MK 4034

30/11/2023 Leave a comment


I am looking at getting some new frames for my spectacles. My old specs are using ones made by Police and while they are very good, they are coming up to 5 years in age or are more than 5 years old. IO was looking at this Michael Kors MK 4034 and I thought that it is a nice pair of frames. I wonder if these can be gotten in Singapore. They are very affordable too. It looks like I may have to get some new lenses as well. My eyesight has deteriorated over the years sadly. Oh well, time to make some enquiries!

Veimode spectacles cord

27/04/2019 Leave a comment

I got a bit pissed off yesterday when my spectacles broke. Actually, the fault is mine. I have not folded them in a long time. When I tried told fold them the day before, the hinges were stiff and there was some stress on the frame. As a result, I broke the frame. So I took out a spare pair and used this Veimode rope, or string, or cord…whatever you wanna call it. This will be used on my spare spectacles while I send my old pair for repair.

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