
Posts Tagged ‘Philippines’

2,634 dengue cases recorded from January to July in Pangasinan

12/08/2021 Leave a comment


It is a crazy world that we are in now. If it is not Covid-19, it is other forms of diseases like dengue. I just saw this article just now:

DAGUPAN CITY – The Pangasinan Provincial Health Office (PHO) has reminded Pangasinenses anew to be vigilant against dengue as cases in the province almost doubled from January to July 26 this year.

The latest data provided by the PHO Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit on Saturday showed 2,634 dengue cases were recorded during this period, a 97-percent increase from 1,334 cases recorded in the same period last year.

However, the mortality rate is lower this year with two, as compared to last year’s 11.

I do not know how they are going to deal with this because Philippines is a big country and the mindset of the people need to be changed. Dengue is fatal. I hope they get this settled.

Categories: etcetera Tags: ,

Bullets planted in your luggage in the Philippines

17/11/2015 Leave a comment

To be honest, this story is not a new one. It was reported about a week back. people leaving the Philippines were found to have bullets planted in their luggage and would be forced to pay a hefty fine to avoid being arrested and going to court. It sparked off a national outrage and even the President of The Philippines is ordering an investigation into the matter. Even memes like the one posted above has spouted up. So be careful out there people. Take extra special care.

Categories: etcetera Tags: , ,

Crown PRO-2007 speaker

01/03/2014 1 comment

I saw a local sound company here in Singapore renting this out. Now, I know Crown makes some kick-ass power amplifiers. One such amplifier was the DC300 that I wrote an article on some time back. I have used Crown amplifiers for many an install and mobile audio job so it was a bit surprising when I came across this. Apparently, this is a product from the Philippines. The model is the PRO-2007. I went to their webpage and this is what they gave as far as specifications go:

  • Power – 500 watts
  • System – 2-way
  • Woofer – 12″
  • Impedance – 8 ohms
  • Sensitivity – 97db/W/M
  • Frequency response – 45Hz~18KHz

That is all I know about them I am afraid. They look a bit like the Wharfedale Pro Titans to be honest.