
Posts Tagged ‘scooter’

Vespa scooter race at a BMX track

17/03/2021 Leave a comment

Quite a few years back, when I used to race BMX, one of my friends made this joke while we were sitting around after a race. He said that wouldn’t it be cool to have a Vespa scooter race on the BMX track? The rest of us burst out into laughter. I mean, just thinking about it sounded so funny and ridiculous. Then I came upon this picture on the Internet. Damn. Looks like it already has been done before! Food for thought indeed!

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A wedding scooter?

27/04/2018 Leave a comment

I was walking home the other day and something caught my eye…something so out of whack that I really had to stop and take this picture. It seems that all wedding cars are out of vogue now and this is something that is…unusual, to say the least. I wonder if the brides name was Daisy…

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