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Tamon MEX-701

The Tamon MEX-701. This, dear reader, is my very first DJ mixer…the very first one that I owned. I bought it second-hand in 1986, and it stayed with me till 1991 when I exchanged it for another one. Sporting large VU meters and a potentiometer for a cross-fader, it did the job. I seem to remember that when it was facing the end of its life, the faders were alternating between a mono output and a stereo output. To summarise, the bloody thing was shot but credit where credit is due…this was the mixer that I used to perfect my mixing skills. It was not the greatest mixer in the world but to me, it was everything. I would not mind getting another one just for memories sake.

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  1. 29/01/2012 at 02:38

    Aha YES…This was the mixer I learned to DJ on as well back in 1984! My brother & I used to have to borrow this guy’s MEX-701 from the 4th floor of our apartment building in Japan…We were only 12-13 years old at the time. That rotary knob cross fader used to piss us off, but still loved that thing. We received a shared birthday gift of the next Tamon model up from the MEX-701 that had the horizontal cross fader the following year and that’s where we really learned our craft. I loved that thing and I wish I still had it, but like idiots, we put that thing in its grave by murdering its cross fader with WD-40 to get it loose. (R.I.P. to Tamon)

    Let me know if you (or anyone) can tell what that other Tamon model # was…I’d appreciate it!

    Nice summary, by the way!

  2. jeff di carpio
    28/12/2013 at 19:20

    omg rip to tamon, this was also my 1st dj mixer during 1980s , i bought from a electronics trift shop somewhwer in quezon city in the philippines, l m sure that whoever used this for mobile disco, you re a true vinyl dj , yazoooooo my brother

  3. Ricardo Rudolph
    19/12/2016 at 23:31

    oooh yess,

    back in 1986 while in japan I bought a Tamon MEX-801 dj mixer and perfected my mixing skills until I retired it for a denon in 2001. this mixer was so good that even though this was my first mixer It took me awhile to adjust to the new one. to this this day that was probably the best mixer I’ve ever used

  4. Jon Yim
    30/07/2019 at 13:26

    I owned a MEX-701, bought in 1980 at Pony Stereo (Fussa-shi, Tokyo) for about USD$80…served me well as a club mixer with two Technics SL-230 turntables…

  1. 29/12/2017 at 08:04

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