Home > etcetera > Crown PRO-2007 speaker

Crown PRO-2007 speaker

I saw a local sound company here in Singapore renting this out. Now, I know Crown makes some kick-ass power amplifiers. One such amplifier was the DC300 that I wrote an article on some time back. I have used Crown amplifiers for many an install and mobile audio job so it was a bit surprising when I came across this. Apparently, this is a product from the Philippines. The model is the PRO-2007. I went to their webpage and this is what they gave as far as specifications go:

  • Power – 500 watts
  • System – 2-way
  • Woofer – 12″
  • Impedance – 8 ohms
  • Sensitivity – 97db/W/M
  • Frequency response – 45Hz~18KHz

That is all I know about them I am afraid. They look a bit like the Wharfedale Pro Titans to be honest.

  1. Aloysius
    26/02/2015 at 00:11

    Yes, it look a bit like th Wharfedale Pro Titans. However, is the sound quality consider good or just acceptable?

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