
Archive for 07/06/2014

Sometimes, all you need is a Mars Bar

07/06/2014 Leave a comment

There have been times when I am stuck in the office and have no time to have lunch. There are times when I need a snack in between meals. Sometimes, I just grab a Mars Bar and I am content. I remember these Mars bars being really expensive when I was young. We used to slice it up and savour each slice of rich chocolate sparingly. Nowadays you can get it for a real cheap price. Get a Mars bar today. Fill your fridge with them. I know I always do!

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Rest in peace Victor Khoo. You will be missed

07/06/2014 Leave a comment

In the 80s, it was impossible not to catch Victor Khoo and his puppet Charlee on radio on Saturday mornings. Not only that, he used to perform with Charlee his puppet at the Christmas parties at the Singapore Recreation Club back in the day when I was still a kid. I was very sad to find out that he passed away yesterday of prostate cancer. Victor gave me lots of advice when I was at the start of my career as a DJ. I will never forget the advice he gave me and how kind-hearted he was. The entertainment scene in Singapore just lost one of its stalwarts who had many talents rolled into one: a deejay, emcee, ventriloquist, comedian and a mentor for many in the entertainment scene in Singapore.  Rest in peace Victor. You will be missed.

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