Home > etcetera > Microsoft 900 optical mouse

Microsoft 900 optical mouse

I had a Logitech optical mouse that I bought about 8 years ago. It gave me sterling service for years until I had to throw it away last year. And the reason for doing so? The scrolling wheel’s rubber got sticky and it was damn near impossible to use. I wanted to buy a new mouse but luck was on my side. While at a client’s place some time back, I happened to chance upon this Microsoft 900 optical mouse that they were throwing away. Apparently, it was surplus goods that were not required anymore. So I kept and I have been using it faithfully for quite a few times. It is a great mouse, ergonomic and forks with two AA batteries, giving it a longer lifespan than the mouse of old. I used it to configure some Poly x50s that I have been setting up for a different client of mine with no issues. I put it on a USB extension so I do not wear out the receiver plugging it in and pulling it out of different equipment I configure. Great optical mouse and well-recommended.

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