
Posts Tagged ‘Meiji’

The poor disabled man and the tissues

22/01/2021 Leave a comment

Yesterday, while on the way back home, I decided to stop by AMK Hub to buy some milk. Meiji milk is a favourite of my wife’s and one of my cats so I buy it pretty often. In any case, at Ang Mo Kio station, I alighted and walked to AMK Hub via an underpass. In that underpass, I saw an elderly man with a walking stick, selling tissues. He was standing there with tissues in an outstretched hand, hoping to entice people walking past him to buy them. Something about him made me think about getting some but as it was raining and I needed to buy my stuff, I just carried on.

After I bought my milk, and some sausage buns from NTUC FairPrice, I had to use that underpass again to get to the bus-stop. I passed by that old man again in the underpass except this time, he was sitting on the floor with his two hands holding tissue paper above his head as though he was pleading for people to buy them. Now that scene REALLY made my heart ache. I went up to him, asked him how much for the three tissues (in the pic above) and he held up two fingers, indicating two dollars. I reached into my key-pouch, found two one-dollar coins and wanted to just give it to him but the old man firmly put the two tissues in my hand. I felt sad but proud for the elderly gentleman, who did not want people to think of him as a beggar.

My friend posted this in his Facebook feed:

Please remember:

  • Your job is the dream of the unemployed
  • Your house is the dream of the homeless
  • Your smile is the dream of the depressed
  • Your health is the dream of those who are sick

Don’t let difficult times make you forget your blessings

Maybe coming across this elderly gentleman was God’s way of making me count my blessings. Here I was, buying some rather expensive milk for my cats. When was the last time this poor man ate? Just thinking about this poor man made me tear. I am far from being a saintly person…do not get me wrong dear readers. It is just that sometimes, things like these grab at your heart-strings and make you think. It is a lesson I thank God for

Meiji full cream fresh milk

12/11/2015 Leave a comment

I love fresh milk, especially when I drink it with my cornflakes in the morning. The one I always buy is Meiji fresh milk. Depends on where you buy it, the cost of it can change. It costs about $6 for a two litre plastic bottle. To be honest, I miss the old days when I used to study in Australia. We could buy milk, fresh milk at that for a very, very cheap price. But given the fact that this is Singapore, and most of our stuff is imported, I suppose I will have to make do. But then again, this Meiji milk is delicious and my wife and I enjoy it. As far as fresh milk is concerned, this is the best

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