
Posts Tagged ‘SunTour’

SunTour BMX 36-hole coaster brake hub

11/03/2024 Leave a comment


I have been running a coaster brake hub on my BMX bike for years. I love coaster brake hubs because they work in all kinds of weather. This hub above is a SunTour 36-hole coaster brake hub and that is the one that is on my Kuwahara BMX bike. There is a strange rule in Singapore where people who ride bikes on the road will get fined if their bikes have no brakes. The enforcement officers just cannot fathom the idea of a coaster brake hub. To them, if they see no brake calipers, it means that bike is brake-less. I personally feel that it is stupid. I have been running coaster brakes on quite a few of my bikes for years. I have had no issues with them at all. Maybe these idiots that make these laws need a schooling on the different kind of braking systems for bikes!

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SunTour XC-II BMX pedals

28/10/2015 Leave a comment

There was a time, if you were a BMX racer worth your salt, that you would be sporting a pair of these SunTour XC-II pedals. I personally liked them but I was afraid to put them on my bike because I did not race all the time. I prefered the stronger Shimano DX platform pedals because they were tougher and long-lasting. The problem with these pedals is not that they were not long-lasting. On the contrary, they were burly with strong spindles. The thing that put me off was the cage. Not only would they leave long tell-tale scars on your shins of they ever grabbed you there, but if the age bent after a heavy bail, replacements were hard to come by and not to mention expensive. And, I might add, these were somewhat pricey back in the day. The Shimano DX pedals were available in all over, were inexpensive, and did the job. But to be honest, I would love a pair of these SunTour XC-IIs now

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