Home > etcetera > Milka Alpine Milch chocolate

Milka Alpine Milch chocolate

First of all, I would like to thank Redstone Foods in advance for this picture of theirs that I am using. This brand name, Milka, has been around for quite some time. It is quality Swiss chocolate and my mum used to love eating it. I have to confess that my mother as a chocolate addict and needless, to say, so am I…well…sometimes but not all the time. So, when I saw these Milka chocolates being displayed for the grand price of 5 bars for $10, I snapped them up! Hey, bargains like these do not come every day man! In any case, its lovely chocolate and very smooth too. But it melts pretty easily in our warm, temperate climate. So if you want great tasting chocolate, this is it.

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