
Archive for 16/02/2021

Hit by the flu bug

16/02/2021 Leave a comment

I have been hit by the flu bug, as diagnosed by the doctor who saw me yesterday. Looks like the Chinese New Year goodies have taken its toll on my well-being. I was sneezing like crazy the day before yesterday, which is out of character for me as I almost never sneeze. So I went to the doctor and he also told me that he needed to perform a Covid-19 swab test, just in case. He said that I had the flu and it is very difficult to tell if the flu I have is a common flu or a Covid-based one. So I got a three-day MC and I will have to stay at home.

********** UPDATE **********

It seems that my Covid-19 swab test came out negative and all I have is the common cold. That is a relief!